Working Papers

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Can Camp Get You Into a Good Secondary School? A Field Experiment of Targeted Instruction in Kenya

Access to quality secondary schooling can be life-changing for students in developing contexts. In Kenya, […]

Beth E. Schueler and Daniel Rodriguez-Segura January 10, 2020 April 22, 2022 Access and admissions, Education outside of school (after school, Inequality, Program and policy effects, summer…)
Can learning be measured by phone? Evidence from Kenya

School closures induced by COVID-19 placed heightened emphasis on alternative ways to measure student learning […]

Beth E. Schueler and Daniel Rodriguez-Segura January 18, 2022 October 18, 2022 Administration, Evidence, lesson-delivery, numeracy and literacy, phone-based assessments (PBAs)
Cross-Age Tutoring Experimental Evidence from Kenya

Abstract Tailoring teaching to students’ learning levels can improve learning outcomes in low-income countries. Cross-age […]

M. Romero, L. Chen and N. Magari January 26, 2022 April 25, 2022 Cross-age tutoring, cross-grade, Evidence, Learning outcomes, low-tech, motivational behavioural, Tutoring
Can Education be Standardized Evidence from Kenya

Co-authors: Guthrie Gray-Lobe, Anthony Keats, Michael Kremer, Isaac Mbiti, and Owen Ozier 2019 Nobel Prize-winning […]

Guthrie Gray-Lobe, Anthony Keats, Michael Kremer, Isaac Mbiti, and Owen Ozier June 22, 2022 June 22, 2022 nobel prize, Program and policy effects, solutions to learning poverty, standardized education
Adaptive Experiments for Policy Choice Phone Calls for Home Reading in Kenya

Anja Sautmann Bruno Esposito 06/2022 Adaptive sampling in experiments with multiple waves can improve learning […]

Bruno Esposito and Anja Sautmann June 6, 2022 October 6, 2022 adaptive experiments, Covid-19 Education Research for Recovery, Education outside of school (after school, education technology, Program and policy effects

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